Why Mill Basin Day Camp

The Parents
The amount of time the average person works per week:
The amount of travel time to work per week:
Total number of hours that child care is needed:
The average cost of a babysitter per hour for 1 child:
A total number of hours of childcare is needed:
Cost for childcare per week for 1 child
Your cost WITHOUT, friends, food and organized activities for 8 weeks,
5 days per week $6,000
Your cost WITH all the items mentioned above is $3500.
Now more than ever, kids need summer camps in Brooklyn, NY. Mill Basin Day Camp is here for you. We have grown to become the largest and most popular summer day camp program in all of NY.
Attending summer day camp can provide numerous benefits for children. Day camp can create a foundation for successful longer-term experiences.
Summer day camp can also teach children important skills that will help them create friendships, can foster greater independence, a stronger sense of identity, and the development of new skills.
Overall, attending summer day camp offers a wide range of benefits for children, from developing important skills to creating lasting memories. It's an experience that every child should have the opportunity to enjoy.
Why Go To Summer Day Camp at Mill Basin Day Camp?
The familiar proverb, “It takes a whole village to raise a child,” expresses the complexities of child development in a simple way. Today, with children spending far less time with parents than in the past, their development is influenced by possibly hundreds of people, including teachers, counsellors, professors and coaches.
Like so many other valuable learning experiences, Queens Day camps help equip children with the skills they need to become happy, successful, contributing adults. Camps strive to develop positive self-esteem and nurture a child’s sense of community. By emphasizing doing and learning, not final evolution, camping experiences show that the act of trying, in and of itself, can be experienced as a success or accomplishment.
Day camps also provide ways for children to express themselves in a non-threatening, nurturing environment through a variety of sports, games, theater, crafts, nature projects, and swimming. As anyone who has ever been to a great camp knows, the possibilities are endless. Of course, development is more than physical growth. It is the process through which children mature socially, emotionally, intellectually and morally.
Join us at Mill Basin Day Camp, one of the leading summer camps in Brooklyn, NY, and give your child the opportunity to thrive in a supportive and engaging camp community.
Camps focus on academics, sports, swimming, music, drama, arts and crafts, technology, trips and much more. Summer camp is where children often discover their passions and their talents. Mill Basin Day Camp offers kids so many activities and varieties of programs that there is something for everyone.
These days, the average cost for child care or babysitting is about $15.00 per hour. For a working parent or family working full time, the cost can be anywhere from $750 per week for a full-time 40-50 hour work week. Multiply that over an 8-week summer vacation and the cost can be as high as $7,500.00! Summer camps in Brooklyn NY, provide quality supervision, a large variety of activities wonderful supervision in a safe clean environment, all for a cost of $3400. Plus they get to have fun with FRIENDS!
At the end of the summer, campers are ready for school because they have mastered new skills, and learned to be part of a team. They are buoyed by these successes, which carry them forward into the next school year. The staff at Mill Basin Day Camp encourages our campers to try no matter what their skill level.
Kids learn teamwork at camp. They work together for the benefit of something bigger than “Me.” When you work with others to complete an activity, you build bonds. Kids will learn to have their own voice within the group to be persuasive.
Children are under the same roof and with the same adults and peers for an entire day. Many camps create a close-knit community among staff, parents and children — something that typically does not happen in the school year. We are most proud of our camp “families” and many spend years being part of the MBDC Family.
Physical activity has proven to significantly aid children in memory retention. All young people experience learning losses when they do not engage in learning activities during the summer. Research shows that students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of summer vacation.
MBDC understands the value of eating healthy so we provide a delicious and nutritious lunch and snack for ALL our campers on a daily basis.
Our commitment to health and nutrition ensures that campers not only have fun and engaging experiences but also learn the importance of making healthy food choices, making Mill Basin Day Camp, one of the leading summer camps in Brooklyn, NY,
One week of Mill Basin summer day camp in Brooklyn is equivalent to one month of after-school! This single fact tells its own story: the possibilities for enriching a child’s life are greater in the summer because so much more time is available.
Ask children about their summer camp experiences at Mill Basin Day Camp, including our Queens day camps, and you will hear “I live for summer camp,” “I cannot wait for the summer to come,” and “Summer camp is where I found my best friends.”