Dates & Information

2025 CAMP DATES: JUNE 30 - AUGUST 22, 2025
Welcome to Mill Basin Day Camp! We are excited to provide you with the essential 2025 dates and information for an amazing summer experience.
Please mark your calendar to ensure your camper(s) can participate in all the exciting activities and adventures we have planned.
Each registered family has its own Login Account, enabling them to view their registration, view lunch menus, make payments, see payment history as well as have access to private and secure information on our site. That includes pictures and videos and other sensitive and protected sections.
To Log In You Will Need the:
Log in Name: The email address You Provided on Your Registration Form.
Your Password: The password you chose when you registered.
We communicate often via email and text often during the summer so make sure we have you your correct email and cell phone information.
We want to meet you and would enjoy giving your family a personalized tour of our facility and discussing the camp program in depth.
It’s a great way for you to get to know MBDC and how we can customize a wonderful summer experience for you and your camper(s)!
You can CONTACT US here to schedule a personal tour and receive updates on camp information or You can register to attend an OPEN HOUSE.
All campers will receive lunch and snacks daily. A menu will be available prior to the start of camp. Campers can also bring lunch with them every day. Lunch should be non-perishable items that do not need to be heated. Lunch boxes are stored in coolers until lunchtime.
Snacks will be provided daily for all campers.
All food provided by Mill Basin Day Camp is Kosher and provided by Dagan Caterers. If your camper has a dietary concern or allergies, please let us know so that we can make the proper arrangements for them.
Lifeguards are present both in and out of the water for safety. Swimming is offered every day. Every camper will have a swimming test. After which, each time they enter the pool they will be given a colored bracelet designating their abilities. Swim instruction will be provided to beginners only if they agree to take the swim test. Those who don’t will not be allowed to swim. You will also need to have provided a Swimming Permission form.
Suntan lotion is applied at home though staff will be looking carefully to make sure campers are not overexposed to the sun.
Check your What to Pack list each day. Please remember to send a bathing suit and towel each and every day and have your campers wear sneakers and socks. Pre-school campers should have 1 change of clothes to leave at the camp. girls
As all campers are now going to be brought in by car, we suggest parking outside the camp lot and or carpooling whenever possible. If you do come into the lot, please follow the traffic pattern along with any staff that may be directing you.
Only take 1 spot and do not stay longer than necessary in order to provide space for the next family. Do not park in front of the door or even double park as you wait for someone to come out. It’s very dangerous and can cause a lot of extra traffic backup.
Parking is available right outside the lot to either side and is legal. There is also parking available on the blocks near the camp. DO NOT block anyone’s driveway, even for a second